Get Involved - Child & Family Advocates of Cuyahoga County
Whether your interest is in becoming a CASA, giving financial support, your time, or your voice, there are many ways to get involved with Child & Family Advocates of Cuyahoga County.
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Get Involved

Every person has the potential to #ChangeAChildsStory

Over the last year, we’ve watched our CASA volunteer community really grow and this exponential growth trajectory doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon!

With your help, we can cover infrastructure costs, compensate our team, offer more community training & support, build up more resources, sponsor speakers, build new relationships, and most importantly continue to spread our message of advocacy for abused and neglected children.


Your donation gives children in our community who have been abused or neglected a powerful voice in the court, at school, and in our community.

By becoming a CASA volunteer, you can help provide a voice for children who have been abused and neglected.

Connect or Sponsor

Are you a business, organization, church or school? Become a partner and when an opportunity arises contribute time, talent, and resources to support our mission.

conference room

Apply to serve on the Board of Child & Family Advocates of Cuyahoga County

Apply to serve on the Board of Child & Family Advocates of Cuyahoga County

We are recruiting dedicated, passionate individuals to fill various roles on our Board of Directors.

Please note CFACC’s Conflict of Interest Policy, which limits active committee members’ ability to undertake paid work with the organization.

CFACC board members serve a three-year term; the board meets 6x annually, and members are also asked to serve on one board committee, such as Governance or Finance.  Additionally, CFACC board members have a $1,000.00 minimum annual donation (give/get) requirement.


James M. McCafferty, President

Annette Tucker Sutherland, Co-Vice Pres.

Stephanie R. Slovasky, Co-Vice Pres.

Rebecca Gabriel, Secretary

Peter J. Haas, Treasurer

Samantha Karoglan

Dennis Kucler

Michelle L. O’Gara, CPA

Jacqueline M. Pasek

Aparna A. Pillay, MPH

Sarah Jane Robinson

Andrew Cleves

Kate Tullio, MPH, MS

Jonathan Z. Wilbur

Thea Wilson, Ph.D.

Tricia Kuivinen, Executive  Director

Hannah Wiltshire, CASA Program Director

How to apply

Please be prepared to provide the following items for your application:

  • Completed online application form
  • Cover letter/statement
  • Current résumé or curriculum vitae

Upon submission of application, you’ll be asked to share two names and email addresses of individuals you have worked with or for in a volunteer capacity—not the same as reference.

Download and complete our


Board of Directors Application packet

Young Professionals Board

Child and Family Advocates of Cuyahoga County (CFACC) is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications for a new Young Professionals Board (YPB), or group of 5-6 dynamic local professionals who may be seeking leadership or community service opportunities with at-risk youth, and who will be selected to serve in a non-governing capacity with CFACC.

The primary role of this new board will be to serve as community-based ambassadors for the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program, which provides volunteer advocates for local children and youth vulnerable to abuse, neglect, dependency, and aging-out of the foster care system. The YPB will also offer advisory/practical assistance to the organization, such as marketing, community outreach, and event planning.

Candidate Requirements:

  • Employed College Graduate – Ages: 22-35
  • Submit an Application
  • Submit a Resume
  • Submit Two Reference Forms
  • Complete a Background Check
  • Complete the CASA Program Orientation
  • Attend Quarterly Board Meetings and Program Events
  • Actively Participate in Marketing, Event Planning, Community Outreach, and Recruitment Activities